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What our members are saying about us.


"Martial Arts is more than just combat training for today’s enthusiasts.  Some come for fitness, health, confidence, personal  discipline, skill building, as well as social  improvement."   Traslyn Butler


"Whatever your reason, TMA is there to help with a very professional staff, healthy learnable (modifies) methods, and positive  attitudes."  Kimberly Meono


¨ "They are Family Oriented." Robert Duncan


¨ "TMA helps to promote sound concepts of strong mind, body, and a good sense of inner well-being." Meryserkt Anitefnut


¨ "The programs are designed to promote the development of good personal discipline."  Mike Tolbert


¨ "Wor-Sebia Redd teaches learnable self-defense skills." Kendell Roney


¨ "Our Martial arts programs are a great total body workout designed to help promote stress release." Wanda & Wendy


¨ "They encourage self-confidence all day." Terrence Jackson


Our Fitness programs are designed to promote increased physical fitness & and personal potential​

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